Frequently Asked Questions



1. How accurate is your data?

Our database is highly reliable with 100% accuracy as we have a knowledgeable team of data engineers, specialists, analysts, and technology geeks who ensure the data you access is as accurate and complete as possible.

2. What sources do you use to collect the data?

We use a wide variety of authentic and trustworthy sources to collect our data. It includes subscriptions from online portals, surveys, new business filings, business directories, email campaigns, press releases, phone surveys, annual reports, business trade magazine subscriptions, and many other sources.

3. How often do you update your database?

SPAD’s dexterous team of data experts invests significant time and effort to update and verify our database weekly.



1. How quickly will I receive my list?

Once you’ve completed your payment, you’ll have the ability to download the database you’ve purchased instantly.

2. What are the different file formats you support?

We support all the standard file and database formats such as OpenOffice formats, office (word, csv, excel) formats, SQL formats, and others.

3. What if I need to cancel my order?

Non-cancellation if database has been downloaded after purchase. If you need to cancel your order, please send us a message using the Online Form available on the Contact Us page or reach our Customer Service Expert via Live Chat. To view our return and refund policy, click here.

4. What if I’m not able to download the database I’ve purchased?

If you are not able to download the database you’ve purchased, please send us a message using the Online Form available on the Contact Us page or reach our Customer Service Expert via Live Chat. To view our return and refund policy, click here.

5. What methods of payment do you accept?

We accept credit cards (Visa, MasterCard, American Express, and Discover), Stripe and PayPal.


Privacy & Security

1. How secure is your website?

SPAD takes security seriously. We ensure a high level of security of our website with strong encryption and SSL. We assure you that your critical information, including card or payment data, is not stored on our site.

2. What are your terms and conditions?

To view our terms and conditions, click here.

3. What is your privacy policy?

To view our privacy policy, click here.